Newpark Drilling Fluids Co-Authors Five Technical Papers at Two Conferences
Apr 13, 2015 | | Comments (0)
At the 2015 Offshore Mediterranean Conference (OMC) in Italy, Newpark Drilling Fluids co-authored three papers focused onte_of_Pen fluid successes and field performance. All of the papers were written alongside customers:
- OMC 2015 – Drill 09-281 – High-Performance Fluid Contributes to Improved Drilling Results in Unconventional Sandstone Formation (M. Winsor, Indigo Minerals, H. Dearing (corresponding), M. Dixon and J. Shipman, Newpark Drilling Fluids)
- OMC 2015 Drill 07-190-2 – A Novel Invert Emulsion System using a Polyglycerol Internal Phase (T. Allen, K. Scott, S. Baker Ultra Petroleum, M. Redburn, M. Bechaver, H. Dearing, E. Ward, D. Chamberlain Newpark Drilling Fluids)
- OMC 2015 Well 06-120 – High Performance Water Base Fluid Improves Rate of Penetration and Lowers Torque. Successful Application and Results Achieved by Drilling a Horizontal Section Through the Reservoir (A. Maliardi, C. Molaschi, G. De Grandis, eni; M. Molina, L. Bussaglia, F. Arpini, H. Dearing, AVA/Newpark Drilling Fluids)
At the 2015 American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) Conference in San Antonio, Newpark Drilling Fluids presented two co-authored technical papers focused on software analysis and field performance:
- ADE-15-NTCE-14 – Software for Analysis of Drilling Fluid Contamination (Neil Trotter, John Trenery, Brent Estes, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Ricardo Jardiolin, Rick Alford, Dale Shank, Newpark Drilling Fluids)
- AADE-15-NTCE-13 – High-Performance Brine Drilling Fluid Proves Cost Effective in Eagle Ford Shale (Jeremy Compton and Chandler Janca, Oak Valley Operating; Harry Dearing, Scott Rotge, Janine Shipman and Casey Waneck, Newpark Drilling Fluids)
The development and publication of technical abstracts and papers, along with corresponding presentations is reflective of Newpark’s commitment to the Industry. We would like to thank our subject-matter experts and co-author partners for their collaborative efforts.