Newpark Drilling Fluids Supports Wounded Warrior

Newpark Drilling Fluids participated in the third annual DUG (Developing Unconventional Gas) Eagle Ford conference in October. NDF personnel greeted dozens of interested customers and operators, with the main focus on the Evolution® Fluid System.

One of the major highlights of the entire conference occurred during the keynote luncheon. The Wounded Warrior Foundation built a home and presented the keys to Sergeant Jhony Pleites and his family. Pleites was wounded in Iraq after his vehicle was struck by an IED.

Newpark had the honor to be a part of this worthy cause as one of three contributors to the home furnishings for Mr. Pleites’ new home. John Beltz, Newpark Drilling Fluids Marketing Director, was on hand to present a “Rooms To Go” gift certificate to the Pleites family, in appreciation for this man’s sacrifice for our country.

Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer was also on hand to deliver his keynote luncheon speech immediately before the special presentation.